ASP.NET Core 2.2 REST API #2 — Versioning

Theodoros Ntakouris
3 min readJul 23, 2019


Up Next: Dependency Injection & Service Registration

Have you ever wondered why v* character patterns often exist in public APIs? Today’s topic is all about Versioning.

Whenever you expose some data from your REST API, the consumers (users that talk to the API) expect the same data format over and over again. You can’t just change the data format on the same url in the same version. There are 2 simple reasons:

  • Client code will break and you can’t get everyone to update their existing code and apps
  • Other developers will not want to work with your API because it is unstable with frequent breaking changes

For now, let’s make a controller that is going to return a list of Post items. We also need a directory to put our Domain objects into (we are going to talk about domain objects later in the series).

This method is going to be converted to an endpoint and it is just going to return an Ok response with contents (body) being a list of Post objects, serialised in JSON format. Let’s take a moment to think about the HTTP Verb and the URL format which our resource is going to be exposed at.

  • In rest GET ( [HttpGet] ) means that our endpoint is not going to change any data in the database or anywhere else. It just returns resources.
  • For the URL part we are going to use api/v1/posts . You could also change the subdomain so the url looks like but for simplicity’s sake we are going to stick with the first format.

The endpoint works as expected.

The way that the response body is structured is what we are going to call a Contract. Even if we want to change the case, from id to Id (which is a breaking change), we would have to make a new controller under a new version directory.

We are going to establish our ApiRoutes in a strongly typed manner (you can look at a JavaScript equivalent here).

This is a static class and everything is constant. We can just change our string constant as the HttpGet parameter to ApiRoutes.Posts.GetAll .

Finally, you can also create a class called Posts under Contracts/V1/Response , which is essentially just a wrapper around a List<Post> . That comes in handy, as a clean-code practise and in order to have a well-maintainable request/response pairs and swagger configuration.

Up Next: Dependency Injection & Service Registration

Code is available on Github and the instructional videos are located on YouTube.

Keep Coding



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